Monday, August 13, 2012

{Charity} Super Nets

I wanted to begin sharing some of the charities and organizations that I give to whenever I have a spare $5, $10 or more in my bank account. I always remind myself that no one EVER went poor by giving. Our Pastor shared this organization with us at church this past Sunday and the thought of losing my son to something so easily preventable hurts my heart. Give what you can and give often!

Protect children with SUPER NETS:

Approximately 1,500 children under the age of 5 die each day from malaria — a preventable disease. Studies show that when children sleep under a bed net, which protects them from being bitten by a mosquito
while they sleep, their risk of being infected with malaria drops sharply. When everyone in a community sleeps under these new long-lasting, insecticide-treated Super Nets, malaria-carrying mosquitoes start to die off, and the incidence of malaria infection is reduced.

Together, we can work to help eliminate malaria and provide more Super Nets to protect communities in Africa and around the world. Insecticide is woven directly into the fabric of these Super Nets, which can protect two people for up to 5 years. Your support will help World Vision purchase and provide these bed nets to families that need them most, and training on how to properly use them to prevent malaria. In parts of Kenya, World Vision has already distributed 332,000 Super Nets and has seen a dramatic 50 percent decline in malaria cases.

Thanks to support from generous World Vision partners and government grants, your gift will multiply 2 times in impact.

Act today to help eliminate malaria:

$36 can provide 6 Super Nets and more to protect 12 children
$108 can provide 18 Super Nets and more to protect 36 children
$180 can provide 30 Super Nets and more to protect 60 children and their families

World Vision is grateful for your support and prayers as we work alongside communities in Africa to prevent malaria and save children's lives.

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