Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shout Out!

Ok, I'm a sucker for anything unique so...I browse...Online...In Stores...WHEREVER! This blog is a shout out to Mrs. Ink, a long lost friend found by means of the internet super highway. While browsing her Etsy Store online I found something that was so cute and thought what the hay I'll buy it and try it out. Well come to find out after I get it and Russell takes it for a spin around the house and decides that it needs to be washed hence putting it in the kitchen sink I realize....it's a perfect Pampered Chef catalog holder! 

You just never know what you will find and what will make your life a little more interesting even if it is carrying around your part time job on your arm :) 

I suggest you check out Etsy today, never know what you might find! 

Thank you Mrs. Ink!


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